expose|exposed|exposes|exposing in English


[ex·pose || ɪk'spəʊz]

reveal, uncover, disclose; abando

Use "expose|exposed|exposes|exposing" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "expose|exposed|exposes|exposing" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "expose|exposed|exposes|exposing", or refer to the context using the word "expose|exposed|exposes|exposing" in the English Dictionary.


2. Esther exposes Haman (1-6a)

3. God exposes wicked ones (16-21)

4. Theophilus exposes the fallacy of idolatry.

5. Psalm 145 exposes what false claims?

6. But the fool exposes his own foolishness.

7. If a Chipped tooth exposes the nerves inside a tooth, you might notice increased tooth sensitivity and pain when chewing or when the Chipped tooth is exposed to very hot or very cold

8. He only exposes his chest before he breathes fire.

9. She's exposing her waxed Crotch to all fans

10. No wonder Jehovah exposes them for what they are!

11. Exposing us isn't going to bring him back.

12. Don't expose it to the sun.

13. Data Breach potentially exposes millions of hotel customers’ details

14. Chokehold was pitched this year as a book exposing police violence and targeting of black men in the same way that The New Jim Crow exposed prison violence and targeting of black men in America

15. Jesus was exposing the Pharisees’ narrow, legalistic view.

16. A fornicator sins against God and exposes himself to diseases.

17. Bloatware exposes users to a greater number of cybersecurity risks

18. Header Designer exposes Heading and SubHeading properties to the user.

19. Once the air bombardment exposes the tunnels, they will infiltrate them.

20. Netherlands Halts Adoptions From Abroad After Exposing Past Abuses

21. The act of exposing sensitized photographic film or plate.

22. Do not expose it to the sun.

23. The battery would expose as being overcharged.

24. Do not expose babies to strong sunlight.

25. You don’t expose it to the elements.